Façade Wall Panel System
Beautiful, Functional, Durable and QUICK to install. Façade is suitable for any wall condition
Façade is a non progressive steel frame system that enables the attachment of virtually any panel type with multiple thicknesses, shapes and optional characteristics in the same elevation. The system options include stand-off arrangements allowing the panels to be pushed away from the wall to accommodate utilities and services behind the panels. Additionally partial weight transfer to the floor enables heavy panels to be supported without compromising the integrity of the wall. Panels with backlighting and acoustical absorption are both available on this system.
The Façade System
Wherever there is a need for architectural wall panels, AAM’s Façade System is a smart solution. Fully integrated system components include steel supports and concealed fixing hardware, fully machined panels complete with pre-machined and installed fastening anchor points, and multiple reveal and panel edge options. The net result is a modular solution that is tailored to the unique needs and aesthetic demands of your project.
Stand-offs deliver opportunities to run ductwork and utilities behind the panel. All the panels are pre-machined providing the fastest and most accurate installation of panels. Architectural Panels on the Façade system comprise 3/4″(18mm) MDF susbstrate and are available from 1/2″ (12mm) to 4″ (100mm).
Key Features
- Fast to install
- Multiple finishes in the same elevation
- Multiple thicknesses in the same elevation
- Acoustical Options
- Projection Options
- Wood, HPL, CompactWood®,Phenolic, Glass,Metal
- Hundreds of colors, faux woods and Real Wood Veneers to choose from
Façade panels are available in Real Wood Veneer, HPL, Phenolic and Glass. Custom surfaces are also available. Acoustical options are available in HPL and Real Wood Veneer. Custom Digital designs can be developed in house.
For the best yield, standard panel modules are 2′, 3′ and 4′ wide. Acoustical modules are 2′ and 3′ wide, although any practical size can be made.
Our in-house engineering team can provide you with CAD files for the layouts and conditions you are developing for your project. Below are standard details.